1. Download the Web Part
  2. Unzip the file

1# Download the web part

Ready to get started? First you need to download your web part.

  1. Access your account at bindtuning.com;
  2. Go to My Downloads, switch to the web parts tab.
  3. Mouse hover the web part and click View webpart to open the theme details page;
  4. Last but not least, click on Download.


2# Unzip the file

After unzipping your web part package, you will find three folders, a app folder, a Compatibility List folder, and a wsp folder, for Sandbox environments. You will be using one of these two folders to install the web part.

But first, let's check out what is inside the package.

app 📁

└── BTTiles_3.0.0.6.app


└── BTTilesV2 List.wsp

wsp 📁

└── BTTiles_3.0.0.6.wsp

── README.md

Now let's get your website rocking! First thing on the list: Installation.

On the index menu choose the Installation process you want to follow: Installation with Sandbox or Installation with Apps.